On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine
On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian
On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian aid to Ukraine On 31th of October 2021, a year ago we send humanitarian
#everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth #everymonthshouldbeapeacemonth „Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. It was also the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week
Royal Militare exclusive collection inspired by the „Bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte” was presented at the Chateau d’Ermenonville, France at the grand ball On Saturday evening,
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of a person.
Children for Children. International campaign and art contest for children “Children are painting Peace on Earth” In 2021 Princess Angelika Jarosławska Sapieha initiated the international campaign
A Princess with a Cause Polish princess, peace Ambassador Angelika Jarosławska joined the Roots of Peace delegation in Scotland for the United Nations International Day
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of a person.
“वैश्विक मानवीय पुरस्कार ‘पीस ओन अर्थ’ अर्थात ‘धरती पर शांति’ का चित्रण करते बच्चे ‘पीस ओन अर्थ’ अर्थात ‘धरती पर शांति’ का चित्रण करते बच्चे
“वैश्विक मानवीय पुरस्कार एचएसएच राजकुमारी एंजेलिका ईवा जारोस्लावस्का सपीहा कोविश्व मानवीय अभियान द्वारा “वैश्विक मानवीय पुरस्कार” से सम्मानित किया गया विश्व मानवीय अभियान प्रेस कार्यालय
Принцеса Анжеліка Ярославська Сапіга разом з Польським Корпусом Миру підтримує Україну – 800 тонн гуманітарної допомоги для лікарень в Україні цього року. Вже багато місяців
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